Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Bad Blog Mommy

I am a bad blog mommy -- not having posted anything in almost an entire month. Incidentally, I am also a bad bike mommy and a bad tomato mommy. Good thing there aren't social workers for these types of things.

Classes have started, and after several discussions with my french professor about "mon niveau" of French, I am finally settled in an upper division undergraduate class -- fine by me, because I can switch to pass fail at the last minute - mwahahaha... (me = bad French mommy)

But I am doing very well at taking on hobbies -- I am enrolled in 2 classes at Berkeley's Jazz School -- beginning bass guitar and vocal technique, which should be SUPER AWESOME FUN. Incidentally, before any of these classes began, my reputation spread around the history department -- I was asked to be in a band last week! OOOH! Contest for band names!

And I went to Boston this past weekend for a We Heart Reggie Reunion -- it was great to see everyone who came.

And this week I am going to 3 funk concerts.

1 comment:

Anna said...

You were totally in my band first. Who are these people who are trying to steal our magic?? Am I going to have to show up and lay down the law??