Wednesday, May 14, 2008

All Venerate the Altar of the Lam Gods

Our recent trip to Bruges and Ghent had both Matt and I worshipping at the altar of "Het Lam Gods." For Matt, it involved listening to all 40 minutes of the audiotour of Jan van Eyck's famous altarpiece. For me, it meant eating a humongous rack of lamb in red wine sauce.

No, I kid. (kid! har har.) Matt had the lamb and I had fish. Really, it was Matt who worshipped the Lamb Gods all weekend, and I stuck to the Chocolate Gods. Well, to be honest, most of our time was spent prostrated to the Beer Gods, under the spiritual guidance of the lovely Brugse Zot.

Well, we had to try a few different kinds.

Pictures up in the usual spot.

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