Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Would this be weird? This would be weird.

I was posting an ad on craigslist to sell my bass guitar (the end of a beautiful, short lived era...) when I happened across this. Normally I skip over these things, but ...

INTELLIGENT EGG DONOR NEEDED - $10K+ for right match


Loving San Francisco area couple seeks your help in having a child. If you academically gifted (SAT above 1200 - Verifiable SAT scores required), involved with regular extra curricular activities, are 21-29, naturally blond, blue/green eyes, 5’10” or less, small/medium build, healthy family medical history, with Irish, English or Scandinavian ancestry, and would like to help this couple, please call
Jacquelyne XXX Nurse Attorney, (XXX) XXX-XXXX. $10k plus expenses for the donor
who is a good fit!

It would be totally weird to finance a wedding by selling one's eggs. (Right? Right?!?) But how uncanny the description! The ads in the Berkeley rag are always looking for Asians!

Now a surrogate mother can get $25-30K - that's where the real money is.

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