Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Goat Couture

I only wish I could get this picture, but it's in a flash video, so I can't. But, thanks to the sleuthing skills of my soon-to-be mother-in-law, Connie, I have come across a picture of the Drew Dress on a model who is standing up! Yes, with only the tiny bit of information contained on this blog, Connie gets us here:

You then must click on "Haute Couture" and then "Collection Haute Couture 2005" and then wait for the video to load and THEN you might have to hit "play" and then keep hitting "suivante" until you get to number 43.

Unfortunately, the dress looks hideous.

So... we're back to the proverbial drawing board. I think I'm going to sketch out what I *thought* the dress looked like based on the Drew picture, and work from there.

PS I'm in Boston!

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